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  1. Book: The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease
    Source: OMMBID
  2. ... Inhibition of expression by hypomethylation of genomic DNA sites Expansion of trinucleotide repeats in regulated genes resulting in dysregulated expression Uracil N -glycosylase 30% DNA methylation error DNA methylation p21 CIP Huntington disease Autosomal recessive inheritance...
    Book: High-Yield Q & A Review for USMLE Step 1: Biochemistry and Genetics
    Source: AccessMedicine
  3. ...Next-Generation Sequencing–Based Evaluation of DNA Methylation and Hydroxy-Methylation Unless otherwise specified, DNA methylation is generally synonymous with cytosine methylation. Cytosine can undergo methylation or hydroxymethylation at its C5 position to form 5-methylcytosine (5-mC) or 5...
    Book: Williams Hematology, 10e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  4. ...DNA Methylation Cytosine DNA methylation is a covalent modification of DNA in which a methyl group is transferred from S -adenosyl methionine to the C-5 position of cytosine by cytosine (DNA-5)-methyltransferase (referred to as DNA methyltransferase ). DNA methylation occurs almost...
    Book: The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease
    Source: OMMBID
  5. ...Epigenetic Mechanism 1: Dna Methylation DNA methylation is typically associated with gene silencing by decreasing chromatin accessibility and thereby inhibiting binding of transcription factors for gene transcription. 65 Among the four DNA nucleotides (A, C, T, and G), cytosines followed...
    Book: Fuster and Hurst's The Heart, 15e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  6. ...DNA Methylation in Lung Cancer Aberrant DNA CpG methylation – global DNA hypomethylation and more specific promoter DNA hypermethylation – is a typical finding in cancer. 231 The increased promoter methylation is of particular interest, since it can lead to gene silencing. The mechanism...
    Book: The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease
    Source: OMMBID
  7. ...DNA METHYLATION AND TUMOR SUPPRESSORS The link between the epigenetic phenomenon of DNA methylation (see Chapter 22 ) and cancer is reflected in the fact that alterations in DNA methylation contribute to nearly half of all human cancers. In most cases the higher the level of DNA methylation...
    Book: High-Yield Q & A Review for USMLE Step 1: Biochemistry and Genetics
    Source: AccessMedicine
  8. ...Epigenetics: DNA Methylation and Tumor Suppressors The term epigenetics is used to define the mechanism by which changes in the pattern of inherited gene expression occur in the absence of alterations or changes in the nucleotide composition of a given gene. This is simply defined...
    Book: Integrative Medical Biochemistry Examination and Board Review
    Source: AccessPharmacy
  9. ...DNA Methylation and Carcinogenesis Post-DNA synthetic methylation of the five position on cytosine (5-methylcytosine; 5mC) is a naturally occurring modification to DNA in higher eukaryotes that influence gene expression. Under normal conditions, DNA is methylated symmetrically on both strands...
    Book: Casarett & Doull’s Essentials of Toxicology, 4e
    Source: AccessPharmacy
  10. ...The Role of DNA Methylation in Normal Cells The exact roles of DNA cytosine methylation in normal mammalian cells are still unknown despite identification of this nucleotide modification more than 50 years ago. However, the biggest link to function concerns its involvement with the regulation...
    Book: The Online Metabolic and Molecular Bases of Inherited Disease
    Source: OMMBID
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