Results 1-10 of about 100
  1. Book: Quick Medical Diagnosis & Treatment 2023
    Source: AccessMedicine
  2. Book: Maxcy-Rosenau-Last Public Health & Preventive Medicine, 16e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  3. Book: The Atlas of Emergency Medicine, 5e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  4. ...Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever ...
    Book: Hall, Schmidt and Wood’s Principles of Critical Care, 5th Edition
    Source: AccessMedicine
  5. ...Dengue FIGURE 125-5 Effects of temperature on variables associated with dengue transmission. Shown are the number of days required for development of immature Aedes aegypti mosquitoes to adults, the length of the dengue virus type 2 extrinsic incubation period (EIP), the percentage...
    Book: Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 21e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  6. ...DENGUE FEVER The World Health Organization reports a 30-fold increase in incidence of dengue in the past 30 years, becoming a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the tropics. 12 Suspect dengue fever among travelers with fever developing within 2 weeks of travel. Dengue may...
    Book: Tintinalli's Emergency Medicine: A Comprehensive Study Guide, 9e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  7. ...Dengue The four dengue viruses are transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes well adapted to tropical and subtropical urban environments worldwide. Common in travelers returning from the Caribbean, patients present with fever, headache, back pain, and severe myalgias (break-bone fever). Dengue...
    Book: DeGowin’s Diagnostic Examination, 11e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  8. ...Dengue Figure 12-1. Figure 12-1. Global distribution of cases of Dengue, before and after 1960. . ( Reproduced, with permission, from WHO. Global Alert and Response. Impact of Dengue. ) Figure 12-2. Figure 12-2. Average...
    Book: Understanding Global Health, 2e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  9. ...Dengue (“Break Bone”) Fever Dengue has become the most worrisome disease on the WHO’s list of 17 NTDs, and it is now emerging in the United States with non-travel-related cases in Key West and Texas. Dengue may no longer be truly “neglected” because outbreaks are affecting tourism and raising...
    Book: Understanding Global Health, 2e
    Source: AccessMedicine
  10. ...Dengue Dengue virus ( Flavivirus ) has four related serotypes (DEN 1-4), any of which may exist concurrently in a given endemic area. There are more than 100 countries where dengue has become endemic. These viral agents are widespread throughout the world, particularly in Africa, the Americas...
    Book: Sherris & Ryan's Medical Microbiology, 8th Edition
    Source: AccessMedicine
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